October Pink a Boo sponsored by Shroom Groove Natural Mushroom Therapy The Hiiighest Amongst Us YOU CAN SAVE 1/2 off exclusive hand crafted itemsBY JOINING US TODAY! PLUS: REFER A FRIEND AND GET $25 OFF YOUR NEXT BOX ENHANCE YOUR DAY AND NIGHT ACTIVITIES WITH OUR BOX PRODUCTS 2 MUMMY RICEKRISPIES TREATS Wrapped inWhite chocolateInfused with 2g Shroomsor 50mg THC Apple Cider400mg (0.4g) shroomsSPONSOR:The Hiiighest Amongst Us BOOM JUICELimited Edition 2 MAMMO-GRAHAMSEach is infused with 1g shrooms or 25mg THC Marshmallow & chocolate, sandwiched between graham crackers 3.5g Premium Locally GrownMarijuana Flower 3.5g Premium Hillbilly Pumpkin Dehydrated Mushrooms @joincraftclub JOINCRAFTCLUB.COM